Sweet Science Sweet Corn Blueberry

I've been seeing the Sweet Corn Blueberry ice cream pop up on Sweet Science's social media over the past few months.  I went to Tim and Tom's Market a few times in hopes that they would have this flavor stocked.  They never had it when I went, so I decided it was high time to head to one of Sweet Science's monthly free tasting events. (MONTHLY! YOU CAN TASTE ICE CREAM FOR FREE ONCE EVERY MONTH!)

This particular tasting was held at LynLake Brewery in the Uptown neighborhood of Minneapolis.  Not only can you eat free ice cream, you can drink a beer while you wait to have free ice cream and then another one after you eat free ice cream.  I didn't do this, but I totally will next time I go to a tasting.

The tasting was awesome, and I just want to say thanks to Sweet Science for throwing these events and the employees and volunteers who make the event run smoothly.

There were 12 flavors to sample, some of them seasonal and some of them of them in the core line.  When I got there, there was a pretty long line, but it moved really quickly.  Even though the line moved quickly, the ice cream scoopers took enough time to explain the highlights of each flavor to each person.

Perhaps the best part of the whole event was that there were pints for sale.  I tried to limit myself to one pint, failed miserably, and bought three.  I had a moment of insanity when I considered buying all 12 pints, but decided against dropping approximately $100 on ice cream in one swell foop.

Here's a review of the first flavor!  It was weird, and I was aware of how weird it was, but it was still amazing.  A-MAIZE-ING.  Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

This flavor is a sweet corn ice cream with a blueberry sauce swirl.  The base tastes like corn, plain and simple.  Like sweet corn.  If you have never eaten sweet corn raw off of the cob, do it, especially if you live in the Midwest and can get fresh sweet corn.

The blueberry swirl in my pint was a bit thin, but in the sample I tried at the free tasting, the blueberry sauce was thick and abundant.  I really wish the swirl in my pint was thicker since it was so delicious!  It was quite tart compared to the taste of the corn.  The contrasting sensations of a rich, creamy sweetness from the corn and a sharp, acidic sweetness from the blueberry swirl was perfection.

This pint is seasonal and available in August.  The tasting I went to was last weekend, so you may still find a pint or two on shelves.  If you do, buy it.  In fact, buy every pint in the store.  And then give them all to me.


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