Comparison Post: Haagen-Dazs Vanilla vs Haagen-Dazs Vanilla Bean

Ok peeps, does anybody else think its a bit weird that Haagen-Dazs makes a Vanilla ice cream and a Vanilla Bean ice cream? Like, is that really necessary? Regardless, it is my duty as your guide to the ice cream world to try both flavors and report back.

First, the description.  I'm taking the full paragraph from the website because it gives more info about the supposed differences between the two flavors.


Vanilla is the essence of elegance and sophistication. This marriage of pure, sweet cream and Madagascar vanilla creates the sweet scent of exotic spice and a distinctive taste that lingers on the tongue.

Vanilla Bean:

A unique twist to our iconic flavor.  Our ice cream blends Madagascar vanilla and pure, sweet cream with flecks of real vanilla beans, for a spicy and sweet delight.

Do we all agree that Haagen-Dazs' descriptions are bordering on florid here? Just wow.  So the descriptions have got me all hopped up and raring to eat some ice cream, but let's investigate the ingredients first to see which components of the ice cream are different.  As Lizzy mentioned in her post on Haagen-Dazs Coffee ice cream, there are a few H-D flavors that contain very few ingredients.  Both of these flavors fall into that category.

Vanilla consists of cream, skim milk, sugar, egg yolks, vanilla extract.
Vanilla Bean consists of cream, skim milk sugar, egg yolks, ground vanilla beans, vanilla extract.

So, they're exactly the same plus or minus some ground vanilla beans.

The first difference I notice after cracking open the pints is the color. The Vanilla is more yellow/cream colored and the Vanilla Bean has a brownish tint from the ground up vanilla beans.

Suprisingly, the texture is quite different.  I didn't expect that the addition of ground vanilla beans would change the texture so much.  I guess there's a possibility that the two flavors had different lives leading to different temperature changes in transport, etc... that could contribute to this difference.  The Vanilla Bean was very thick and creamy.  The Vanilla had a texture that other ice creams have, but I have an incredibly difficult time describing.  It's like there's a brittleness or resistance. The ice cream isn't hard, but it's not creamy either.  It's almost like biting into that foam they use to make molds of your teeth, but colder and more delicious.

Vanilla Bean on the left; Vanilla on the right.

Flavor-wise these were fairly different. The Vanilla flavor had the harsh and somewhat alcoholic taste you get in ice creams flavored with vanilla extract.  It kind of reminded me of the flavor of soft-serve vanilla ice cream.  The Vanilla Bean had enough actual beans to drown out the harsh element of the vanilla extract.  It was a warm and round vanilla flavor instead.

So, what's the scoop? Vanilla Bean is definitely my favorite of the two, but I'm not madly in love.  I'm not a vanilla person. Your vanilla flavor has to be really special to make me buy vanilla ice cream to eat plain (like a certain little Iowan ice cream company that could).  Was Haagen-Dazs this special?  Nope.  At least I didn't think so. It was definitely better than your standard store brand vanilla, especially in texture.  Since I normally eat vanilla ice cream as a sundae base, I would probably pass on this for something cheaper, unless I was in the mood for a hoity-toity sundae.

So there you go!

Bonus! A sundae with the Vanilla Bean ice cream.


  1. You missed a MAJOR difference. Vanilla bean has 33% more sugar. Personally I find it too sweet with no difference in vanilla taste.

    1. Yes, that's the first thing I noticed....much sweeter!! I won't buy it again; the regular bean-less H-D vanilla is the best!

    2. Comparison Post: Haagen-Dazs Vanilla Vs Haagen-Dazs Vanilla Bean >>>>> Download Now

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      Comparison Post: Haagen-Dazs Vanilla Vs Haagen-Dazs Vanilla Bean >>>>> Download Full

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  2. Love the Vanilla Bean ! I was on here searching if they sold it in larger sizes... We buy it only when on sale !

  3. Comparison Post: Haagen-Dazs Vanilla Vs Haagen-Dazs Vanilla Bean >>>>> Download Now

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    Comparison Post: Haagen-Dazs Vanilla Vs Haagen-Dazs Vanilla Bean >>>>> Download Full

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  4. How on earth did you miss such a BASIC difference. The Vanilla Bean has a third more sugar.

  5. I think it burries the lead to say they are the same except one has actual beans. The main difference is that the bean version is light, like Bryers. The texture is the result of how the ice cream is made. It comes from whipping more air into the ice cream. This is probably done because vanilla bean is more expensive than extract. Ice cream is sold by volume, so whipping it means you can put less of your ingredients into each container. The
    traditional/standard vanilla is dense, like other basic Hagan Daaz flavors. If you like Hagan Daaz texture, this is the one to get. If you like lighter, more melty ice cream, go with the bean!

  6. But maybe more importantly: since the EU recalled the regular vanilla because they found carcinogens in a chemical analysis...go with the bean?

  7. Great comparison for vanilla vs vanilla bean ice cream. If you want to learn more about Indonesian Vanilla vs Madagascar, I found a good read here

  8. The vanilla bean has a much more authentic vanilla flavor. I have no idea why anyone would ever go for the other. Some are saying that it has a third more sugar but this is not the case in Europe, only United States.

  9. Do you have any idea what florid means?

  10. I guess I’m a vanilla guy, because Hagen Daz Vanilla Bean is one of my favorite ice creams ever! Regular Hagen Daz Vanilla is just barely OK. It’s so much less sweet and the flavor is almost not even there. HD Vanilla Bean is hard to find sometimes because it is apparently very popular here in the DFW area. Often stores are out of it while having plenty of regular Vanilla. Graters Vanilla Bean is also fantastic but not as good as HD. Surprisingly, a cheaper, but popular ice cream brand, Blue Bell, has a “Natural Vanilla Bean” that’s very, very good, as good as Graters. Blue Bell is mostly a Texas brand. Ben & Jerry’s Vanilla is good, not great. Good enough that I buy it once or twice a year. Jennis has several incredible flavors, one being their “Honey Vanilla Bean.” Better than Graters, but just barely. He is is high-dollar ice cream, around $8 a pint, but worth it. Their “Everything Bagel” and “Maple Soaked Pancekes” are some of my favorite ice creams. I’ve had 2 or 3 other vanilla bean ice creams that are good but I’m blanking out on the brand names right now. Nothing compares, or even comes close, to Hagen Daz Vanilla Bean.

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