Cedar Crest Pirate's Bounty (Booty!)

Lizzy's been killing the review game lately, while this has been sitting in my drafts folder for a month.  I'm still alive guys, and here's a review to prove it!

Cedar Crest is a Wisconsin-based dairy, that recently started selling pints of their ice cream (as opposed to larger containers).  It's in the middle of the pint price range.  It's not super-premium ice cream, but it's still pretty good and they have some fun flavors.

On a recent trip to the grocery store I picked up a pint of Pirate's Bounty because, I thought it was called 'Pirate's Booty' and I'm mature.  This ice cream is

M&Ms chocolate candies and chocolate sandwich cookies in caramel flavored ice cream.

One thing that's interesting about this ice cream is they sprung enough money to Mars to use actual M&Ms, which is not super common.

This is kind of your generic, fun, throw lots of mix-ins in party flavor, but the caramel base sets it apart from its competitors.  The caramel is a very light and sweet caramel.  On the first bite of both the bowls I had, I got a strong flavor of cotton candy.  Maybe the base flavor wasn't heated enough to be true caramel, so the sugar doesn't taste truly caramelized? Either way, this faded after the first bite, and the rest of the time it tasted like a pure, light caramel.  I really liked the choice of caramel base instead of vanilla base, which is what most of these 'fun' flavors use.  The vanilla base can get bland after a while, but the caramel base had enough spunk to keep things interesting, but wasn't so strong that it distracted from the mix-ins.

I also really enjoyed the chunks.  The cookie chunks were quite large.  They were soft and chewy, and you could feel the texturing on the cookie.  The M&M pieces were small.  They were not quite as crunch as normal M&M's, maybe more on the level of mini M&Ms.  The two different textures worked well together to keep things interesting.

As with other Cedar Crest flavors, Pirate's Bounty had a soft, smooth, airy texture.  Sometimes this is a nice break from the super-dense texture of super-premium ice cream.  The bad (or not!) thing is that the airy texture allows you to accidentally eat way more ice cream than you meant to.


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