Ben & Jerry's Non-Dairy Chunky Monkey

The worst part about going away for the summer is leaving behind all the ice cream you didn't get around to before you left. Or at least that's the worst part for me! Luckily, the best part is coming back to all that ice cream. So much anticipation! And now that I'm back, I'm getting to finish off all of the ice cream tasks I started before I left, like trying all of the Ben & Jerry's Non-Dairy flavors!

The last flavor I needed to try was Chunky Monkey, and now I've done it. Gotta love finishing lists! This flavor is described as Banana non-dairy frozen dessert with fudge chunks & walnuts.

Now it has been aaaaages since I've had the normal version of this flavor. I'm sure I tried it back in college when my roommates and I tried every Ben & Jerry's flavor being sold at the time. Not being the biggest fan of banana flavors, I think I only had a couple of bites and then let everybody else work on the rest of the pint. But I kept my mind open while trying this flavor.

After finishing the pint, I think this flavor works better than all the others as non-dairy. The banana base is very strong; however, you can still kind of taste the almond milk flavor underneath. But I think banana and almond milk go together quite well, so this wasn't a detraction. I also felt like for some reason the texture of this base was a bit creamier than the other non-dairy flavors. This could have been the bananas in the base, or it could have just been that it was very warm in my apartment when I ate this pint, which softened out the texture. Or both. The almond milk flavor also worked well with the walnuts. Yay nuts! The walnuts were mostly halves and I got one every other bite, sometimes more.

The best part about this flavor was the fudge chunks. They were slightly smaller than standard Ben & Jerry's fudge chunks and they also seemed to be a darker chocolate. Over all this flavor was very sweet and fruity, and the bitter chocolate of the fudge really balanced things out nicely. They also added some much needed texture. There were also more fudge chunks than walnuts.

All in all, I enjoyed this flavor much more than I expected to. While I wouldn't necessarily buy it again, I definitely want to revisit it's dairy-full counter part. šŸ¦šŸ¦.5/4 cones!


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