Thelma's Treats Sugar Cookie Coffee NEW for 2017

Y'ALL it's time for NEW for 2017 ice cream yayayayayay! The HyVee by my house must have just gotten in a major ice cream order because of this week they've got ALLLLL the new stuff. So buckle up kids it's time for new stuff! I was super pumped to see Thelma's released a bunch of new flavors, including this one. Also Thelma's is now sold in ALL HyVee's around the Midwest, so hopefully some delicious ice cream sandwiches will be coming soon to a grocery store near you. Can you tell that it's spring break? I've been chilling on my couch playing major catch up with all of my reviews.

This treat features sugar cookies and coffee ice cream.

Thelma's has a very sweet sugar cookie. It also tasted more cookie-y than other sugar cookies, if that makes any sense. Which it doesn't. The cookies also very moist, as per usual for Thelma's. The coffee ice cream is new to Thelma's, I don't think it was featured in any of their older flavors. It definitely had a solid coffee flavor, but was rather sweet. It reminded me of this one time Madeline and I watched a relative of ours, a great-uncle in-law, put like 10 scoops of sugar into a small cup of coffee before a relative wandered by and asked, "Don't you have diabetes?" Aka if you make your coffee taste like this you will get diabetes. Now, super sweet coffee isn't inherently a bad thing, but when paired with a very sweet sugar cookie, it's kind of a lot.

Even when a Thelma's sandwich isn't 100% amazing, I stop and think to myself, well no one else is even attempting the awesome stuff Thelma's winning. So they still win. Like, in general I'm not a big ice cream treat person, but everything Thelma's does makes me want to buy another, so šŸ¦šŸ¦šŸ¦/4 cones.


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