Ben and Jerry's Limited Edition Chocolate Cherry Garcia

Is there a Ben and Jerry's flavor more iconic than Cherry Garcia? I think not. It's also pretty good, to boot. When I heard Ben and Jerry's was releasing a new version with a Chocolate base as part of their 'Flavor Flip' gimmick, I was equal parts excited and wary to try it. Chocolate is great, but why mess with a classic?

Chocolate Cherry Garcia is

Chocolate ice cream with Cherries and Fudge Flakes.

I tried this twice on its own and then tried it with the OG Cherry Garcia for comparison.  The chocolate base was nice and dark, but not so dark it overwhelmed the cherries and fudge flakes.  I think this is slightly darker than the normal Ben and Jerry's base, but I might be confusing their normal chocolate base with their milk chocolate base. Either way, I found it appropriately chocolate-y, something I've quibbled about in other reviews of chocolate Ben and Jerry's flavors.

The cherries infused the base with a hint of cherry flavor.  This was a nice touch as there weren't too many cherries in the pint.  The chunks were large, about half a cherry, but I only got one every two or three bites. It's not that infrequent, but the cherries are so good I wanted way more of them.

The fudge flake were huge and crunchy.  They sometimes came in clumps of three or four, but there were enough of them that I got at least one fudge flake per bite.

So, how did this live up to the original Cherry Garcia? It didn't, really. Part of the genius of the original Cherry Garcia is that it uses a cherry base. The mix of sweet cream and cherry in the base is a lighter and more floral echo of the dark flavor of the cherry mix-ins.  This complexity was lost with the substitution of a chocolate base.

Chocolate Cherry Garcia gets šŸ¦šŸ¦.5/4 cones.  If I hadn't re-scooped the original Cherry Garcia, or if this were a chocolate-cherry flavor not at all associated with Ben and Jerry's and Cherry Garcia, I probably would have given this more cones.  Die-hard chocolate lovers will probably like this better than the original, and I think it's worth a try, but I'm not totally bummed that it's a limited edition.


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