New for 2017: Blue Bunny Monster Cookie Mash

When I was growing up, Monster Mash was one of my favorite songs. Not just one of my favorite Halloween songs, but one of my favorite songs, period. I'm sure Madeline can attest to how often I listened to that song. However, I don't think I often ate monster cookies growing up. I'm not sure I was really cognizant of what a monster cookie was until college. Monster cookies are peanut butter and oatmeal dough with some combination of M&M candies, chocolate chips, and raisins mixed in. I think raisins are gross, and often monster cookies don't have raisins, which I obviously prefer. For all of these reasons, I was very excited to try Blue Bunny's NEW (yay for new!!) flavor Monster Cookie Mash. Unfortunately, I did not listen to Monster Mash while eating this ice cream.

This flavor is described as Peanut butter ice cream, fudge ribbon, monster cookie dough pieces.

One interesting fact before I start the review. Blue Bunny used to have a Monster Cookie flavor that was essentially the same but with monster cookie pieces instead of dough pieces. They debuted it in 2013, and I'm not sure when it was taken away.

The star of this flavor was without a doubt the cookie dough pieces. Nowhere in this flavor was the peanut butter flavor very strong, but it was a bit stronger in the cookie dough pieces than the base. Overall the aura of peanut butter was rather salty, which I enjoy. The cookie dough pieces were on the small side; about the size of a dime. They weren't very moist; so more like cookie dough when all of the flour is mixed in. They also seemed a bit sticky and even stuck to the roof of my mouth, just like there was real peanut butter in them. The cookie dough pieces also added a pop of color to the bowl. They had bits of candy covered chocolates. Unfortunately, since the cookie dough pieces were small, I never got a whole chocolate candy, so I didn't get that crunch.

The fudge ribbon was much thicker than I expected, in volume and texture. It was also very rich and a hint dark. This played really well with the salty peanut butter. The base of the ice cream was rather light. It just added a hint of peanut butter to the background of everything else going on. It was simultaneously sweet and salty.

Overall, this might be my favorite Blue Bunny flavor on the market right now. I have yet to try any of their other new flavors, which also sound great, but this one is a real winner. I would definitely buy this again, especially at this price point. šŸ¦šŸ¦šŸ¦/4 cones!

Last note: here in Iowa a bunch of folks have been boycotting Blue Bunny because they contribute money to Steve King. Steve King is US House from north west Iowa, and he is super racist and very public about it. I don't want to reproduce anything he has said here, but I will say he has gotten retweeted by David Duke.  So. I go back and forth about whether I want to join the Blue Bunny boycott. So I thought I would leave it up to you all, Dearest Readers. If you'd rather not see me contribute money to Steve King, just let me know. If you prefer just hearing about any ice cream, no matter who makes it, I'd like to hear about that too.


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