Milkjam Women's History Month

Lizzy and I are both on spring break right now. Last weekend, she and her boyfriend visited Minneapolis, so we obviously went to ice cream. We only had time to check out one shop, and also wanted to go out to dinner, so we decided on Milkjam and it's companion restaurant World Street Kitchen.

In honor of Women's History Month, Milkjam temporarily renamed all of their flavors after amazing women (I'll put the full list of honorees at the end of the post).  I got Gloria Steinem (molasses with salted peanut brittle) and Beyonce (Caramelized goat, cow, and condensed milks).  Note, the 'Beyonce' is normally 'Milkjam,' the shop's signature flavor.

HOLY GLORIA, MOTHER OF FEMINISM, the Gloria Steinem was amazing. I want to cry right now just thinking about it. I just love nut brittle so much, and this was a nearly perfect brittle ice cream. I feel so, so sorry for you if you don't live in Minneapolis and can't try this flavor. I would more accurately describe the base as caramel/molasses or light molasses as opposed to dark molasses, which is what I tend to think of when I hear 'molasses' with no qualifiers.  I mean, they're all just different ways of processing sugar cane, BUT THEY'RE DIFFERENT, OKAY! I predominately tasted a light, sweet caramel, but there were hints of the deep, pungent flavor of dark molasses.

Apologies for the worst lighting ever!
The salted peanut brittle was divine. This had a more airy texture than traditional brittle so you didn't break your teeth on it if you got an unexpected piece, but it definitely still had a crunchy enough texture that it was distinctly a brittle.  It was perfectly salted, just enough to accentuate the peanut flavor.  The pieces were large, approximately 1/3'' cubes.

While peanuts and chocolate is a more classic combo, I can definitely get behind peanuts and molasses! šŸ¦šŸ¦šŸ¦.5/4 cones! This would be a 4-coner with a darker molasses base.

I had a hard time deciding on a second flavor, and decided it never hurts to go with a classic. Also, Beyonce. Even though I've tried Milkjam/Beyonce before, I'm very glad I got it again because the first time I tried it I got it with salted caramel sauce which drowned out the flavor of the ice cream, so I didn't get the full experience.  Condensed milk is the prominent flavor, lending a full-bodied sweetness distinct from a sweet cream ice cream.  The cow and goat milks give a more light and sharp taste balancing out the heaviness of the condensed milk.  Same rating as last review, šŸ¦šŸ¦šŸ¦.5/4 cones.

Lizzy here. This was the perfect end to a great day visiting Minneapolis. Amazing ice cream and cool beans women, what more could you want? The last time I was at Milkjam I was intrigued by their super dark chocolate flavor. This month that flavor is called Notorious R.B.G. so duh I got it. At first bite, this flavor is INTENSE. It was like POW cocoa powder right to the face. I thought that was very fitting for RBG. The flavor intensity didn't die down, but by the end of my scoop, I wasn't as thrilled with this ice cream as I thought I might be. Since they were going for such a dark cocoa flavor, it wasn't very creamy, and it sort of ended up tasting like cocoa powder and water by the end. Kind of like a fudgsicle. I'm not sure if it would be possible to avoid this, and this flavor is still not like anything I've tried before. I would say this is hands down the darkest chocolate ice cream I've had, so šŸ¦šŸ¦šŸ¦ /4 cones for RBG.

The second flavor I tried was the Jane Goodall because YAY anthropology. And since I'm as big of an anthropology nerd as I am an ice cream nerd, you get a few Jane Goodall facts before I tell you about the ice cream. Jane Goodall was trained by anthropologist Louis Leakey. While she is the most well know primatologist trained by Leakey, he also trained two other women, Dian Fossey, who studied gorillas, and Birute Galdikas, who studied orangutans. The trio is often called the Trimates or Leakey's Angels. So if you want to spend hours reading anthropology gossip, look them up. Now for the ice cream. The Jane Goodall flavor was Lemongrass Yuzu. Yuzu is apparently a citrus fruit kind of like a grapefruit and kind of like a mandarin orange. I've never had a yuzu, so I can't tell you how much this flavor tasted like the real thing. This flavor was a light, citrus-y, but also complex because of the lemongrass. Because it was light the flavor of the cream come through. A stronger flavor would have been overpowering. While lemongrass tastes citrus-y it also tastes distinctly herb-y. This is definitely not a flavor for everyone, but for the adventurous ice cream eater, I'll give this flavor šŸ¦šŸ¦šŸ¦/4 cones!

List of flavors:
Princess Diana: Greek yogurt with passion fruit lychee swirl
Julia Child: Chevre and Cherries
Gloria Steinem: Molasses with Salted Peanut Brittle
Jane Goodall: Lemongrass Yuzu
Ellen Degeneres: Peanut Butter Banana with Oreo Chunks
Chrissy Teigen: Tropical Sorbet with Lime Curd
Michelle Obama: Oreo Milk with Oreo Chunks and Salted Peanut Butter
Frida Kahlo: Aromatic Black Tea with Condensed Milk
Notorious R.B.G.: The Darkest Cocoa
J.K. Rowling: Orange Coriander Milk with Candied Pebbles (oh my god, this is the best ice cream ever!)
Sen. Amy Klobuchar: Malted Vanilla Ice Cream with with Caramel Delight Girl Cookies (lol, should be Girl Scout cookies.  Amy Klobuchar is a Democratic senator from Minnesota{
Rosa Parks: Dark Chocolate with Salted Pretzels, Brownies, and Chocolate Fudge
Beyonce: Caramelized Goat, Cow, and Condensed Milk
Meryl Streep: Champagne Sorbet
Kathy Bakkenist: Cardamom Coffee with Bits of Toffee (friend of the owners)
Ilhan Omar: Toasted Coconut (first Somali-American elected official in the US)


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