New for 2017 - Ben and Jerry's Truffle Kerfuffle

I'm calling it right now; Ben and Jerry's Truffle Kerfuffle wins for best-named ice cream of the year.  I love the word 'kerfuffle'!

Truffle Kerfuffle is

Vanilla ice cream with roasted pecans, fudge flakes, and a salted chocolate ganache swirl.

 If you're a regular reader of the blog, you probably know how I feel about Ben and Jerry's vanilla base. If you're not a regular reader, just know that it tastes weakly of fake vanilla.  Luckily, this pint is all about the mix-ins, and not at all about the base (sorry, Meghan Trainor).

There were, indeed, a kerfuffle of mix-ins. The pecans were whole or nearly whole. I got one what seemed like every bite, and I definitely got fudge flakes in every spoonful. The fudge flakes were smaller than in some other Ben and Jerry's flavors like Cherry Garcia, but this served Truffle Kerfuffle well because it allowed the pecans to stand out.

Is there anything better than perfectly roasted pecans? Roasting takes an already sweet and delicate nut and gives them a light, crunchy texture.  The choice of pecans over a 'nuttier' nut kept this flavor from being too heavy.

I have mixed feelings about the chocolate ganache. On one hand, I didn't perceive it as very salty. If something is not salty, do not say it is salty just to jump on some trend. On the other hand, I thought it was pretty good. It wasn't evenly distributed throughout the pint; instead there were 3 or 4 blobs of it. It has an interesting grainy texture. If you've ever made ganache or heated chocolate, you'll recognize it as the texture the ganache takes on just before it smoothes out. It had the distinct flavor of chocolate that's been heated, a sharper and less rich flavor than, for example, a chocolate bar.

I've seen some people on social media who were underwhelmed by this flavor. I somewhat agree, but also think a little bit is the expectation that any new flavor is going to blow everyone away.  I think of this in the same category as Americone Dream and The Tonight Dough. People were very 'meh' about these flavors when they were introduced, but now I consider them staples in the middle-of-the-pack Ben and Jerry's line-up.  They're not exceptional, they're not terrible, but they get the job done.  I think we'll see Truffle Kerfuffle follow this mold.  🍦🍦.5/4 cones.


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