Talenti Salted Peanut Caramel Gelato

I'm not going to play around with this blog post. This pint of gelato might be the biggest let down of 2015. There was so much ice cream blogger hype around this flavor. In fact, after eating this flavor, Dubba of On Second Scoop said it was his new favorite Talenti flavor and possibly his favorite peanut flavor. I remember reading his review and getting so excited to find a pint and chow down. Unfortunately, as you will read, I think I got a bit jipped.

My HyVee has this flavor, and I finally got around to buying a pint.

The description of this flavor on the Talenti website reads We started with our salted peanut gelato and added in large, halved, roasted peanuts and a swirl of salted caramel, because someone else needed to be invited to this peanut party.

So basically this flavor should be a PayDay candy bar embodied in gelato form.

(Side note: Dear Talenti flavor description writer, please marry me?)

Hullo peanuts!

Mmmmk. So I didn't read the description of this flavor until after I had eaten the whole pint. I also hadn't read a review of this flavor in a while, so if I had at one point known the description I had forgotten. When I saw this description, I was shocked to read this was supposed to have a peanut base. I hardly tasted the peanut flavor at all. I mostly tasted a sweet cream base, with the slightest undertone of peanut.

However, I am pretty okay with the mild flavor of the base. Granted I think this would be a better experience with a stronger base flavor, but I'll let it pass. The peanuts in the flavor make up for it. There weren't a ton of them, you could relatively easily get a bite of plain base with no peanuts. But having peanuts, as opposed to a peanut butter, made this flavor unique and sophisticated.

You can see a bit of swirl peaking its little head out at the top left.

The biggest disappointment of this flavor was the caramel swirl. I ate half of my pint before encountering any caramel swirl. I think this is unacceptable, especially because the caramel swirl was so tasty! It was quite sweet, while also still being dark and complex, and had the perfect hint of salt. When I did encounter it, it was thick and ooey gooey.

The one pocket of majestic swirl.

The sections of this pint with the swirl were everything I could have hoped for. But overall, because there was so little swirl, this was a major disappointment. However, from the pictures of other bloggers, it looks like I may have been unlucky on the caramel swirl front. The only way to find out for yourself is to go forth and eat gelato.


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