Sweet Science Pumpkin Five Spice

Oh, Sweet Science, why do you insist on making the world a better place by making such delicious ice cream?  Because when the zombie apocalypse comes we'll just be that much sadder that we can't eat your ice cream.  Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! I worry a lot about a zombie invasion, specifically about the ice cream situation that would ensue.

Continuing their tradition of splendiferous seasonal flavors, Sweet Science is offering Pumpkin Five Spice this fall.  Their description is

Roasted pumpkin is combined with honey and five spice powder - as close to pumpkin pie as you can get.

So I didn't realize five-spice powder is an actual and spent all the time I was eating the ice cream I was trying to guess what the five spices were.  I came up with cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, anise and ......  I got some and was way off on others.  Apparently five-spice powder is actually made with cinnamon, anise, fennel, Szechuan peppercorn, and cloves.

This was definitely the most interesting and unique pumpkin/pumpkin pie flavor I've tried this season.  I loved it, but it might not be for everyone, especially those who don't like cloves.  The first flavor that hit me was not the pumpkin, but the spice, specifically a strong flavor of cloves.  Mmmmm, I love me some cloves.  Cloves with oranges.  Cloves with apple cider.  Cloves with pumpkin pie.  Nom.

Fear not, there was pumpkin in this pint!  After I got past the initial blast of cloves I entered into the wonderful world of a mellow, yellow-orangey, creamy pumpkin paradise.  I couldn't taste the honey separately from the other flavors, but I think it helped give the pumpkin a sweeter more mellow flavor than other pumpkin ice cream.

Let's recap.  First tier: Cloves.  Second tier: Pumpkin.  This would be enough for an excellent flavor, but no, Sweet Science doesn't stop there, they give us a third tier of delicious delicious cinnamon.  The cinnamon wasn't in your face spicy, but was instead happy to play second fiddle to the bold clove.

I only have one tiny criticism of this flavor.  It left a gummy residue on my spoon.  The texture of the actual ice cream was nice and the residue didn't detract from the flavor, but it was a bit strange.  I'm not sure if it was something with my particular pint and the batch it came from or the flavor in general, so this may not be an issue with other pints.


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