Pumphouse Creamery Mint Chocolate Chunk

Pumphouse Creamery is a local ice cream scoop shop in Minneapolis.  It's a bit far away from where I live, so it's a bit hard to pop over for a scoop of ice cream.  Also, they only retail their ice cream in quarts not pints, so it's a bit of an investment to pick up a container.  I finally caved and bought a pint of Mint Chocolate Chunk.  This is such a classic flavor and super appropriate for winter.  I thought I couldn't go wrong.  That was not the case.

I got this ice cream home, cracked it open, and was accosted by a whiff of my arch nemesis, mint extract.  Mint extract is not actually that bad, and can be really good if done well.  It imparts a more spicy, refreshing mint flavor than fresh mint.  The astringency can work really well, but that was not the case here.  It was too minty and overpowered the rest of the flavors.  Also, the mintiness never let up.  It was just mint, mint, mint all over the place!

The texture was not great.  It was kind of icy and not at all creamy.  It sort of came apart in crumbly chunks.  L'sigh.

My last hope was was the chocolate chunks.  Chocolate is always yummy, right?  Alas, the chocolate chunks could not save this flavor.  They were sparsely distributed and not very good.  Almost like little balls of dry cocoa powder.  Not great.

This whole thing made me sad.  The ice cream made me sad.  Writing a bad review made me sad (especially since it's ice cream from a local ice cream shop).  Sadness.  Ice cream should not bring you sadness.


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