Haagen-Dazs Butter Pecan

Butter Pecan, what a classic flavor!  I tried to do some research on the history of this flavor, and couldn't find too much information other than the fact that it is considered an American classic.  I imagine it is also southern cuisine influenced.

I rarely seek out butter pecan ice cream.  When it's done well it is very very good, but when it's not done well it's kind of boring.  Despite that, I decided to pick up a pint of Haagen-Dazs Butter Pecan. From their website this is

An American classic, revisited with our passion for singular flavor.  We blend spoonful after spoonful of buttery roasted pecans with pure, sweet cream to create a delight like no other.

Luckily Haagen-Dazs did Butter Pecan very very well.  The sweet cream base was light and delicate.  It was super sweet, but not cloying or sickly.  I think a less dense texture helped in this regard.

The pecans ranged in size anywhere from a whole pecan to tiny little chunks.  I don't think the pecans were roasted, but they had a slightly different texture than plain, raw pecans.  Looking at the ingredients, the pecans are listed with coconut oil, salt, and butter.  However these nuts were processed gave them a great texture.  They were light and crunchy/chewy.  A raw nut sometimes contrasts too much with the texture of ice cream, but since these were softer they integrated nicely into the sweet cream base.

All in all this was a great pint of ice cream.  Butter pecan in general doesn't get me super jazzed up, but if it's your think, you should check out Haagen-Dazs' version.


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