Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Shake It (NEW!)

Chocolate Shake It is the second flavor I've tried from their new line of truffle ice creams. You can read about Caramel Chocolate Cheesecake here.

Chocolate Shake It is chocolate malt milkshake ice cream with chocolate cookie-covered fudge truffles and marshmallow swirls.

My father instilled in me a deep love of a good chocolate malt at a young age, so I was pretty stoked to try Chocolate Shake It. The chocolate malt base was actually pretty decent. Ben and Jerry's typically uses a milky chocolate base which sometimes falls flat but which worked here since they were going for a chocolate milkshake flavor. The malt flavor wasn't in-your-face, but it made itself known. There are probably better chocolate malt ice creams out there in scoop shops, but there are not too many available at the average grocery store, and Ben and Jerry's version is good enough to scratch your chocolate malt itch.

After the base things went a bit downhill. I realize this is part of their truffle line, but they really missed an opportunity to mix in some malted milk balls. Gee Whiz! Also, I'm not a fan of the truffle texture. I didn't like it in Caramel Chocolate Cheesecake, and I didn't like it here. The truffles are quite large so you get a decent taste, but the insides are almost slimy instead of soft like a truffle should be.

Ben and Jerry's marshmallow swirl is stellar, but it doesn't always stand out against a strongly-flavored base. If you get a big pool of marshmallow swirl it tastes exactly like a melted marshmallow, but thinner swirls blend into the chocolate malt base.

I'll rate this šŸ¦šŸ¦.5/4


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