Sweet Me Creamery Lemon Bar

I'm frequently angry at lemon bars because they look like gooey butter cake, and I feel betrayed when they are not, in fact, gooey butter cake. I feel like this gives me an unnecessary prejudice against them because they're actually quite tasty. Sweet Me captured them very well in their Lemon Bar flavor, lemon ice cream with lemon bar pieces and a graham cracker swirl.

The mix-ins are good, but this flavor really stands on its base. There aren't too many lemon ice creams on the market, and Sweet Me proves why there should be more. Sweet Me is premium ice cream, but this felt more like a super premium base to me. It was incredibly rich, dense, thick, and creamy, and the natural sweetness of the dairy beamed through the lemon. This is not to say that the lemon flavor was weak. The lemon flavor was bright, strong, and sweet.

I ate most of this pint without reading the description, and I kept noticing what I thought were patches of the ice cream with gooey texture. Turns out these were the lemon bar pieces. These did add a nice pop of more concentrated, sweeter lemon flavor. I wished they were just a tad bigger so they stood out more from the base.

Sweet Me does not skimp on the swirl! The graham cracker swirl was thick and well distributed throughout the pint. I don't think I've ever had lemon bars with a graham cracker crust; nevertheless it was a nice addition. I wished it was a bit breadier and more of that signature graham cracker spice/honey mix, but as it was it was still a nice counterpoint to the lemon base and lemon bar mix-ins.

Overall, I rate this šŸ¦šŸ¦šŸ¦.5/4.  The base is easily a 4-coner, but there's a tiny bit of room for improvement in the mix-ins. Don't get my wrong though - this is a can't miss flavor!


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