Edy's Cake and Cookie Fantasy Frozen Yogurt

I want to jump right in to the description of Edy's Cake and Cookie Fantasy Frozen Yogurt:

Red velvet and sugar cookie frozen yogurt swirled together with decadent cookie dough pieces and chocolate cookie crumbles.

I mean, just, what is going on here? This sounds like a snack drunk, college Madeline would have concocted.

I was pretty skeptical of the red velvet and sugar cookie combo. Red Velvet is a dark, rich, chocolate decadence, and sugar cookies are sweet and light. Together they tasted like those ridiculous delicious/disgusting grocery store frosted sugar cookies with icing attempting to be red velvet-flavored.

Obviously, this flavor was over-the-top sugary, but I think it would have worked with a rich ice cream base instead of a yogurt base. Despite the sweetness, the tartness of the yogurt came through but didn't really blend with the sugar. I kept getting random blasts of tartness through the sugary background.

The sugar cookie mix-ins tasted like actual sugar cookies (as opposed to the frosted cookies mentioned above). They were large, but unfortunately a bit too dry. The chocolate cookie crumble was also tasty, but it was very hard to detect against the strongly flavored base. I think more chocolate would have helped to tone down the in-your-face sweetness of the base.

I'll give this šŸ¦.5/4 cones. That's maybe a little rough, but each element of this ice cream was just slightly off. Small improvements or tweaks of the base and the mix-ins would drastically improve the rating.


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