Ben and Jerry's Limited Edition One Love

Seems like the Midwest (aka the BEST COAST) always gets limited edition flavors weeks after they show up on the East and West coasts. One Love, Ben and Jerry's limited edition flavor honoring Bob Marley FINALLY appeared in grocery store freezers in Minnesota in mid-June. This flavor is

Banana ice cream with caramel and graham cracker swirls and fudge peace signs.

Oh banana ice cream. I always think to myself, "I don't like banana ice cream," but every time I actually have some I like it.  I took one whiff of One Love and thought, "Oof, the banana flavor is WAY too strong here." My first bite confirmed my suspicions, but by the third bite I was enjoying the ice cream. I guess I should just give in and declare myself a banana ice cream lover.

The banana base was very strong. Not quite 'banana runts' strong, but close. The cream came through and helped mellow the banana. Things improved even more when I got a bite of the caramel swirl. The caramel swirl was very thick and dark enough to contrast the banana, but not so dark I would consider it a dark caramel. Although the banana base by itself didn't taste like banana cream pie, somehow the addition of caramel made it taste like banana cream pie with caramel sauce. Magic.

The chocolate peace signs were typical Ben and Jerry's shaped chocolate mix-in; fudgier than other companies, but not as fudgy as their actual fudge chunks. They added a nice crunch, and there were enough to enjoy but not so many that they overwhelmed the rest of the flavor.

Last and unfortunately least, the graham cracker swirl was great tasting but not at all prominent.  The tiny little bits I got tasted tantalizingly of sweet cinnamon sugar with a hint of crunch. Alas, I got about three of these bits in the entire pint. A heavier and more prominent swirl would have elevated this flavor from 'just ok' to 'pretty darn good.' šŸ¦šŸ¦.5/4


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