Ben and Jerry's Oat of This Swirld

Dearest readers, I've had some sort of super-virus. I was really sick for two weeks about a month ago, felt pretty much better for two weeks, and now I'm sick again with what feels like the exact same cold+fatigue thing. So apologies, I've had this post written for a few weeks, but I'm just now getting around to publishing it. Oatmeal Cookie Chunk was a popular Ben and Jerry's ice cream with somewhat of a cult following that got sent to the flavor graveyard in 2012. Oatmeal Cookie Chunk was sweet cream cinnamon ice cream with chunks of oatmeal cookies and fudge. This sounds pretty darn close to the description of Oat of This Swirld: buttery brown sugar ice cream with fudge flakes and oatmeal cinnamon cookie swirls. Unfortunately, Oatmeal Cookie Chunk left this world for the next before I really got into ice cream, so I know I've tried it, but I don't really remember it; however I was pretty disappointed by Oat of this Swirled, and it seems to be t...