Grand Ole Creamery Cookie Monster

Grand Ole Creamery is a creamery in St. Paul, famously visited by President Obama in 2014.  In addition to serving up delicious scoops at their shop, they also sell pints at grocery stores throughout the Twin Cities.  I don't typically buy scoops shop ice cream outside of scoop shops, but, frustrated with the lack of seasonal flavors, I decided to pick up a pint of Grand Ole Creamery Cookie Monster.

Lizzy has had her go at an ice cream that improves upon the standard cookies and cream with Til the Cows Come Home Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar? and now it's my turn.  Cookie Monster from Grand Ole Creamery is

 Butter pecan ice cream with crushed cookies and chocolate chip cookie dough.

I was quite surprised when I opened the pint and the ice cream was BLUE! Nothing in the description hints at the coloring, but I suppose if you name a flavor 'Cookie Monster' you had better dye it blue.  This is quite possibly the most perfect cookie ice cream I've ever had.  Something about adding just a hint of butter to the base and some cookie dough took your normal cookies and cream ice cream to something absolutely divine.

It's so blue!
The butter pecan base was a warm vanilla with just a hint of butter.  There were an approximately equal number of cookie pieces and cookie dough pieces.  They were quite large and I got at least one chunk per bite.  Both the cookie dough and cookie had a soft texture that blended in to the base, but the flavor was strong enough that the chunks were very distinct.

The cookie dough was amazing.  It reminded me not so much of completely raw cookie dough, but more of chocolate chip cookies that are severely under-baked.  It's still incredibly soft and gooey but the raw sugar taste of cookie dough is replaced by the softly caramelized sugar of a baked cookie.  The butter in the cookie dough really enhanced the butter in the base.

The cookie pieces were the perfect finishing touch.  They gave the slightest crunch to an otherwise uniformly soft ice cream.  Also, the chocolate was a nice, dark contrast to the light butteriness of the base and cookie dough.

Cookie Monster was an easy 🍦🍦🍦🍦/4 cones. I almost never have one flavor of ice cream twice, but if next time I go to Grand Ole Creamery, I'm definitely getting some Cookie Monster if they have it available.


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