Talenti Wild Blackberry (New for 2016)

I finally found the new Talenti flavor I was most excited for this year, Wild Blackberry.  This is

A smooth, creamy blackberry gelato with swirls of crushed blackberries throughout? If only this grew on bushes, too.

Talenti, I love you so much, but sometimes I also hate you.  Why do you ALWAYS fail so terribly at swirl? Arrrggghhhh.

I bought Wild Blackberry and dug in before I read the flavor description.  I thought to myself, "Gee, this gelato is great, but it would be SO MUCH BETTER with a blackberry swirl to intensify the blackberry flavor of the base." Lo and behold, it is supposed to have a swirl, but it was completely absent in my pint.  This is not an isolated problem with Talenti, so I've learned to look at several pints and buy the swirliest looking one, but I looked at at least 8 pints at the grocery store and none had a hint of swirl.

This is literally the swirliest bit I could find.
I love Talenti first for it's consistently great texture, and second for their flavors.  In terms of texture, Wild Blackberry certainly did not disappoint. It was hyper-smooth, but was still dense enough that it had a nice pull to it.

The base had a nice blackberries and cream flavor, a little heavier on the cream than the blackberries.  This took away the characteristic acidity and bite of actual blackberry fruits and left a sweet, creamy flavor with the barest hint of tanginess.  This would have been perfect had there been a swirl of crushed blackberries to provide a strong, bold berry flavor, but alas it was not to be.

I'm giving this 🍦🍦/4 cones, but a good blackberry swirl would easily add another 1.5-2 cones.


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