Edy's Pumpkin Patch

Real talk.  It's more than a full week into October and my grocery store still has barely any fall ice creams.  I'm getting worried because winter ice cream season is right around the corner.  Did they just decide to skip fall flavors this year?

This week Edy's Pumpkin Patch was literally the only fall ice cream in the freezers so I decided to give it a try.

This is in Edy's Slow Churned line which claims to have 1/2 the fat of other ice creams.  It clocks in at 90 calories and 1.5 grams of fat per serving.  I think the texture of Edy's slow churned ice creams is disgusting, and this was no different.  Corn syrup is listed as the third ingredient, and this definitely had the thick, goopy texture of corn syrup.  It was also somehow squishy, chewy, and slippery all at once.  Weird.

In contrast to the off-putting texture, Pumpkin Patch had a great flavor.  Edy's blended pumpkin with clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger.  The pumpkin and clove vied for the title of most prominent flavor, which is a nice contrast to pumpkin spice desserts where the spice dominates the pumpkin or where the cinnamon dominates the other spices.  Behind the clove, the cinnamon and ginger were the next most prominent spices giving the flavor some brightness.

I'm only giving this 🍦.5/4 stars. Despite the decent flavor, I really couldn't stand the bad texture, but if you're in need of a low fat or low calorie pumpkin ice cream, this is probably a good bet.


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