Sweet Science Old Fashioned and White Russian

While you've probably recovered from your New Year's Eve debauchery at this point, you may still be looking for something to get you through the rest of 2018 since it's already shaping up to be as weird (politically) as 2017 which is ... not great. Sweet Science boozy ice creams may be just the thing. At their December free ice cream tasting, Sweet Science had two boozy flavors on hand: Old Fashioned and White Russian.

About their Old Fashioned they say,

We started with the basic elements: orange, whiskey, cherries, and bitters, and thought how best to bring them to life in a pint. Using 45th Parallel Distillery's Richmond Rye as a base, we layered in lots of rich flavor, a few brandied cherries, and rounded it out with a healthy dose of Easy & Oskey Cherry Vanilla bitters.

Confession. I don't love boozy ice cream, especially when it takes inspiration from a cocktail that isn't creamy in the first place, so Old Fashioned wasn't totally my thing. The base had a very strong alcoholic flavor - which is a general problem with boozy ice creams. They retain the 'alcohol' flavor but lose the 'whiskey' or 'vodka' or what-have-you flavor. A few bites in I got used to it and was able to taste the subtle notes of orange in the base.

The brandied cherries added another punch of alcohol flavor followed by a dark, juicy, sweet cherry flavor.  The swirl, which I believe contained the cherry vanilla bitters was a lighter, sweeter note to counter the harshness of the base.

I'm only rating this 🍦🍦/4, but it's a quality ice cream and I think if you are a boozy ice cream lover you would rate it much higher.

About their White Russian:

Using the finest vodka from our pals at [Norseman Brewery], we mixed up a White Russian ice cream so far out, The Dude himself would abide. Hints of coffee and hazelnut with a heavy presence of cream. Dude tested. Nihlist approved.

Actually, I would love to hear The Dude's take on 2016/17/18 politics.

While Old Fashioned was pretty much everything I don't like about boozy ice cream, White Russian is everything I love about boozy ice cream. It takes an already creamy and decadent cocktail and turns it into an ice cream.

The base was primarily a sweet cream base with soft hints of coffee and hazelnut. I've never actually had a White Russian with hazelnut, but I'm into it. There is just a hint of vodka that adds a nice kick with no burn and no overwhelming alcohol scent or flavor. The vodka also helps keep the ice cream smooth and creamy straight from the freezer.

For funsies, Sweet Science put two whole hazelnuts at the top and bottom of the pint.

I give this 🍦🍦🍦🍦/4. Simple but perfect.


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