Haagen Dazs Coffee

I'm a coffee addict.  I don't have more than two or three cups each day, but god help you if you try to talk to me about anything serious before I have my first cup in the morning. It's not that I don't care what you're saying, it's just that I don't have the capacity to care before coffee.

Haagen-Dazs says about their coffee ice cream:

We roast the finest Brazilian coffee beans to perfection to bring out their rich flavor. The combination of the brew with creamy ice cream awakens the senses.

Yes, I bought this because of the new packaging
 If you are a die hard dark roast fan and, like Special Agent Dale Cooper, like your coffee as dark as midnight on a moonless night, this is not the coffee ice cream for you. This is a lighter roast coffee, but still with a rich flavor and no bitterness.

The flavorful and smooth coffee goes well with the heavy cream and sugar of ice cream.  This really does taste like a bit of light-roast coffee poured over a scoop of ice cream.

It's not part of their 'five' line (which, like, ok, hello successful marketing campaign; simple ice cream flavors don't really need more than five ingredients), Haagen-Dazs Coffee has only five ingredients, not including any stabilizers other than egg yolks. Some people are super anti-stabilizer. I am not one of them and Haagen Dazs coffee is an example of why.  The texture wasn't terrible, but it was a bit dry and brittle and would be phenomenal with a creamier texture.

Even though I'm a dark roast, bitter-as-you-can-get-it coffee fan, I really enjoyed Haagen-Dazs' lighter and more delicate take on coffee ice cream, and I give it 🍦🍦🍦/4 cones!


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