Edy's Limited Edition Sno Balls

Twinkies and Cupcakes and Sno Balls oh my!  I've delved further and further into the world of ice cream, and, for better or for worse, this means I don't eat as many other desserts. I don't think I've had a hostess dessert in years. I loved them as a kid because we didn't often have them in the house. Don't worry, we weren't deprived, we were just more of a Little Debbie Zebra Cakes and Cosmic Brownies family.  Now that Edy's has partnered with Hostess to make Sno Balls, Twinkie, and CupCakes ice cream.

Sno Balls is

Marshmallow ice cream with chocolate cake pieces and a whipped coconut swirl.

If you read my last Edy's review, Peanut Butter Cookie Dough, which I gave essentially 0/4 cones, you'll understand why I was wary of trying another Edy's flavor so quickly, but I was pleasantly surprised.

The marshmallow base has a sweeter and more concentrated marshmallow flavor than marshmallow candies, but it tasted very similar to the marshmallow in Sno Balls.  The flavor faded a bit after eating a few bites.

Marshmallow and coconut are an underutilized dessert combination.  Marshmallow and (untoasted) coconut both have a subtle, sweet flavor.  The combination is not so much a mixture of two flavors as it is a new, more complex flavor.  The coconut swirl was pink so I could see it, but it didn't have a texture distinct from the base.  I could, however, tell when I was eating it because it added some richness to the base.

A real Sno Ball because why not?

The chocolate cake pieces were wonderful.  They were thick and chewy and absolutely humongous. I just wish there were more of them!

I'm giving this 🍦🍦.5/4 cones. It didn't blow me out of the water, but it was solid and enjoyable.


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