Edy's Limited Edition Peanut Butter Cookie Dough

I'm absolutely desperate for new 2017 flavors at this point, so desperate that I picked up a container of Edy's Limited Edition Slow Churned Peanut Butter Cookie Dough.  This flavor is an enigma.  It's not listed on the Edy's website, I found a grand total of two images on Google image search, and could find zero reviews.  This is made with Nestle Toll House cookie dough, and it seems like there are at least two other flavors in this limited edition line floating around out there, but I've yet to hear of them or find them.

Peanut Butter Cookie Dough is

Sweet cream light ice cream with peanut butter cookie dough pieces and peanut butter swirl.

I generally stay away from Edy's.  Their products range from terrible to pretty decent, with a just enough products near the 'terrible' end of the spectrum to make me wary of spending money on bad ice cream and then being stuck eating 1.5 quarts of bad ice cream.

Unfortunately, Peanut Butter Cookie Dough was the worst Edy's flavor I've ever tried.  Everything about it was either bland or weird.  The light sweet cream base was terrible. It tasted like oil and artificial sweetener and also had a slimy, overly-smooth texture.  The ingredients include neither oil nor artificial sweetener, so maybe the taste and texture is the result of too much corn syrup.

The peanut butter swirl had a decent texture but absolutely no taste.  The swirl was thick and creamy, but honestly too thick for the wimpy base. It would have worked much better with a dense base.  There was only the barest hint of peanut butter flavor, so it felt more like eating thick sludge than peanut butter.

The peanut butter cookie dough was also terrible.  Hooray! Again, there was the barest hint of peanut butter flavor, but unlike the swirl, the cookie dough did not have even a slightly redeeming texture.  This was somewhere between cookie dough and stale peanut butter cookies.  Crunchy is okay, but stale is never okay.

Not to make a math joke, but I'm giving this Īµ/4 cones, for arbitrarily small values of Īµ.  (Essentially this means as close to 0 as possible without actually being 0.)  This ice cream made me really hope that I never lose my sense of taste because life would be so boring if all ice cream tasted as bland as this flavor.


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