Talenti Vanilla Caramel Swirl

This post is going to contain two things besides a review of a gelato. First, a minor complaint about who I am as a person. Second, a major complaint with Talenti.

It goes like this, I do not spend enough time scouring Talenti pints. If I decide to buy Talenti, I go to the ice cream isle, pursue the available Talenti flavors, pick which flavor I want to purchase, grab the pint of that flavor which is nearest to me, and go on my way. This is not a good idea because Talenti pints can be really hit or miss, if it is a flavor with a swirl, some pints are going to have tons of the swirl and others are going to have very little. Since the packaging is clear, you have an opportunity to pick out a pint that is going to be full of the chunks and swirls you want. But, and this is my minor complaint about who I am as a person, I am forgetful, and I never remember to do this when I am buying Talenti. However, my forgetfulness should not be an issue here. And this is my major complaint about Talenti. Their quality control SUCKS!! I am not the first to point out this issue, and hopefully I'll be the last. If you're reading this Talenti, please fix this issue. Your products are overall too good to be suffering from these issues.

Photo credit to On Second Scoop, but just thought this was a great example of Talenti's issues. 

So now it's time for the review, but I'm betting you know where I'm going with this.

This flavor is described as This new flavor is the long-awaited marriage of our simple vanilla gelato and our rich dulche de leche. We consider it a classic already.

Let's just say that the vanilla gelato is doing way more of the emotional labor in this marriage than the dulche de leche. Aka, I hardly had any caramel in my pint! The vanilla gelato was good, don't get me wrong. It was part vanilla extract and part vanilla bean. The vanilla flavor was strong, but it wasn't too alcohol tasting. Now the caramel was actually great in the one bite I had of it. It was dark and complex and thick and viscous and more of it would have made this a superb pint. There isn't a ton going on in this flavor, but I would look at it as an opportunity to really appreciate the complex caramel. If I got any.

Overall I'm giving this šŸ¦šŸ¦/4 cones. I was honestly considering only giving it one, but I'm giving it two because I know other people have had much better experiences than I did.


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