Graeter's Buckeye Chocolate Chip

I occasionally go to Whole Foods to get a slightly different ice cream selection than the norm.  On a trip this weekend I picked up a pint of Graeter's Buckeye Chocolate Chip described as

We pay tribute to our home state's famous Ohio buckeye candy with this flavor's blend of peanut butter, cocoa, peanut butter cookie dough, and our gourmet bittersweet chocolate chips.  Indulge and enjoy!

After reading the description I was very excited about this flavor, but after trying it I found it a bit lacking.  In this review, I'll try to give you a good idea of why I was excited and why I was disappointed.

First, the base. This was my first time trying Graeter's chocolate base, and I was excited to see how they executed it.  I would say it was solid, somewhere between average and good.  It was a very milky chocolate, but did not taste cheap.

The base itself was ok, but the way it interacted with the mix-ins was a bit of a disappointment.  It was very, very hard to distinguish the mix-ins from the base.  Obviously, the chocolate chips were large, so you couldn't miss them and had a their usual soft texture, but taste-wise they blended almost perfectly with the base.

I honestly didn't know there was peanut butter cookie dough in the flavor until I read the description.  I think it mostly dissolved into the base.  This served to imbue the base with a slight peanut butter flavor, but I would have preferred distinct peanut butter cookie dough mix-ins.

Buckeye candies are balls of peanut butter dipped in chocolate to resemble the seeds of the Ohio buckeye tree.  The balls were fairly small, maybe half the size of a dime and I got one at least every other bite.  Since the peanut butter was protected in a chocolate coating it didn't dissolve into the base like the cookie dough and therefore added a nice punch of intense peanut butter to the flavor profile.

I'll give Buckeye Chocolate Chip šŸ¦šŸ¦/4 cones.  It was a decent chocolate peanut butter flavor, but could have been better executed.


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