Graeter's Bourbon Pecan Chocolate Chip

Graeter's say the following about their Bourbon Pecan Chocolate Chip:

We crafted this flavor with the bold taste of Kentucky bourbon, then loaded it with roasted, buttered, salted pecan halves and our gourmet bittersweet chocolate chips.  For adult tastes, but still kid safe.  Indulge and enjoy!

It's been way too long since I've had some of those Graeter's chocolate chips!!!!!!!! Ugh, if you haven't had Graeter's chocolate chips before, do yourself a favor and get some of their ice cream immediately.  Graeter's uses a French Pot Process to churn their ice cream and make their chips by pouring gourmet chocolate into the pot as the ice cream churns and it freezes into the perfect, gigantic, not-quite-solid, chewy chocolate chunks.  Heaven.  There were a lot of chocolate chips, but I didn't get any of the signature Graeter's chips until the second half of the pint. There was plenty of chocolate in the top half, but it was diffused throughout the base.

The bourbon base was surprisingly strong.  It had a strong and sharp scent of alcohol and a bit of the accompanying burn.  I had a bit of a cold at the time I ate this and the combination of post-nasal drip (gross, sorry) and a deep inhale of the bourbon fumes sent me into a coughing fit.  While this flavor may be kid friendly, I'm not sure how many kids would actually like it.  Weirdly, I kept getting hints of banana in both the scent and flavor of the base.  I tried to find out if certain types of Kentucky bourbon had the same chemical compounds as banana flavor but came up empty.  It could also have been a byproduct of a screwed up sense of smell from my cold.  I'd love to hear if anyone else tried this flavor and picked up on banana hints.

This flavor used large, whole pecans. Honestly, I thought they were kind of bland.  I love pecans for their delicately sweet flavor which did not come through here.  They also didn't taste buttery or salty which also would have been a welcome addition to the pint.

I'm giving this flavor šŸ¦šŸ¦/4 cones.  It was definitely enjoyable, but the pecans were bland and I couldn't get past the banana flavor.  I'll have to revisit this flavor when I'm not sick and possibly revise my rating if I don't taste any banana.


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