The Central Missouri Ice Cream Experience! (Part 1)

A couple weekends ago I visited my sister, who currently lives and works in Eldon, Missouri, a small town (population 4567 per 2010 census) smack dab in the middle of our lovely state.

CHAPTER 1: Arthur goes to the library. I mean ... Madeline and Lizzy and Brett go to Central Dairy

The culmination of my trip was a mini trip to Jefferson City, the state capitol, to try Central Dairy ice cream.  As far as I can remember, this is the first time I have visited the state capitol and of course the only thing I saw was the inside of an ice cream parlor. (I mean, this is really the only important sight to see in any city anywhere.) I did see the tippy top of the capitol dome up in the distance, though!

I wanted to get two flavors because I am constantly paralyzed by indecision, and the fact that it was National Chocolate Ice Cream day definitely played into my decision.  I decided to go with Jamocha Almond Fudge and Muddy River.  Obviously I had to get Muddy River in honor of the blog!

Jamocha Almond Fudge is described as

A tantalizing mix of almonds, thick rich fudge, and coffee flavored ice cream.

Muddy River is described as

Rich brownie batter ice cream swirled with butter fudge ribbon and sprinkled with chocolate truffles and white chocolate flakes.

I'll start with the Jamocha Almond Fudge.  Disappointingly, the coffee base didn't have a super strong flavor. The fudge swirl gave it some needed depth and flavor. It was reminiscent of good old Hershey's syrup. The chunks of almond were abundant and small enough that they didn't eat my ice cream eating flow.  I think this ice cream would have been much better with a stronger base flavor.

Muddy River was the perfect flavor to pick for National Chocolate Ice Cream Day.  Without looking at the description I probably would not have guessed that the base flavor was brownie batter as opposed to chocolate.  It was much richer than your standard chocolate ice cream, but didn't have that brownie batter taste.  Since I didn't have the description while I was reading it, I wasn't disappointed by this fact.  Instead I just enjoyed the ice cream.  I didn't notice the butter fudge swirls.  I think if the base flavor wasn't so rich, the fudge would have stood out more.  Again, I wasn't looking for the butter fudge swirl because I didn't read the description before hand. The white chocolate flakes really set this flavor apart. They were rich and creamy, but definitely had a distinct flavor from the base.

I love white chocolate so much! Chocolate lovers might find this statement incredibly blasphemous. It's not though. Despite the name I don't consider white chocolate to be a true member of the family.  This gives me the freedom

While the Muddy River didn't necessarily match every part of its description, it was still an incredibly tasty flavor and made me super happy that I finally got to experience Central Dairy. Oh, also, they serve their double scoop bowls in a pint. A literal pint. I got served a literal pint of ice cream.



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