Central Dairy: Extreme Chocolate and Bear Claw

Madeline came to visit me in Eldon! How exciting. What is more exciting however, is while she was here we took the trip up to Jefferson City to get some ice cream at Central Dairy.

As one would expect, when we arrived the line was out the door of the shop and a ways down the block. Luckily the line moved quickly and we were not kept from our ice cream for long. We made the trip on June 7th, which was National Chocolate Ice Cream Day. Naturally I decided to get two chocolate flavors.

The second flavor I order, thus the flavor they put on top, so the first flavor I ate and the first I will review was Extreme Chocolate. I was a little disappointed they did not spell the name of this flavor as Xtreme Chocolate, but you can't have everything. The description of this flavor on the website reads A rich dark chocolate ice cream.

Back when I reviewed Jeni's Dark Chocolate flavor, I discussed the use of cocoa powder to make an ice cream a dark chocolate flavor. I didn't love the way Jeni's used this technique to execute their dark chocolate flavor. Central Dairy also used this technique, but I liked it more than I liked Jeni's. The texture of the flavor wasn't as dry, but it still had a fudgsicle-esque quality in the way it separated when I ate it. This flavor was also still sweet and creamy, like ice cream should be, while still having a strong cocoa powder flavor. The sweetness and the creaminess prevented the cocoa powder from being too dominant. This flavor was simple and well executed.

See the way the ice cream separates from itself in this picture? This is the fudgsicle quality I am talking about.

The other flavor I had was Bear Claw. The description reads A dark chocolate ice cream filled with chocolate coated cashews and swirled with a luscious thick golden caramel.

Can you see the cashews poking out at the top?

I am assuming the base of Bear Claw is Extreme Chocolate. For this reason, I am glad I ate Extreme Chocolate first so I could get a taste of the base separate from all the add ins. I like cashews and I thought their mild, but nutty, flavor paired nicely with the rich chocolate. There was about one cashew per bite. More brands should get on the cashews in ice cream train. However, the caramel swirl was disappointing. It was basically invisible. I could definitely taste it, there was an extra caramely sweetness variable throughout the ice cream.

I think that is a bit of swirl on the left side of the cone.

However, I don't think I would have been able to detect it if I had not eaten the base flavor plain right before eating this flavor. A thicker swirl would have served this flavor well.


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