Clementine's Southern Sweet Corn

The fourth Clementine's flavor I tried was Southern Sweet Corn. I know Jeni's has a flavor with corn, which I do hope to try sometime. Ever since I saw the Jeni's flavor I have been interested in trying a corn ice cream. On first thought, corn ice cream kind of sounds ewwwwy. Like who wants vegetables in their ice cream? On second thought, is corn a even vegetable or is it a grain? On third thought, corn bread with honey on it is tasty and so is creamed corn, so, yeah, I think corn could work in a sweet dairy context.

When I first opened this pint, I was kind of disappointed. Every other pint of Clementine's I have tried I audibly ooooohed and ahhhhed when I caught my first glimpse. My disappointment in this instance stemmed from the lack of actual corn kernels. I was hoping for corn kernels. Oh well, this is still a pretty color.

When I take my first bite, yep, I taste corn. But the flavor is not strong. As you keep eating, the sweet cream flavor almost takes over. I don't think a super strong corn flavor would be something I want in ice cream, but this could definitely have more intensity. I recommend you eat this flavor slowly, so you do not lose sight of the corn flavor.

Although I was disappointed with the lack of corn kernels, you can tell this does have real corn in it. There are flecks of blended up corn kernels visible in the ice cream.

Overall, yes, corn does work in ice cream. I enjoyed this flavor; however, there could have been something more. A stronger corn flavor might do it, or some whole corn kernels left unblended. Or even some chunks of corn bread with a honey swirl. Actually, please don't steal this flavor idea; I want to make it when I follow my dreams, quit graduate school, and open an ice cream shop.


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