Ben and Jerry's SNL Flavor: Gilly's Catastrophic Crunch

I know I am a little late on the uptake that only now I am reviewing one of Ben and Jerry's scoop shop exclusive SNL flavors. However, you've gotta cut me some slack seeing as I now live, like, two and a half hours away from a Ben and Jerry's scoop shop.

Many people fairly say the the golden age of Saturday Night Live is looong gone. However, anyone would acknowledge that Kristen Wiig is one of the few gems of the late 2000s early 2010s SNL. Her characters are fabulous. Although Target Lady is my favorite Kristen Wiig character (because I think only Target Lady matches my deep passion for that heavenly place), you gotta love a good Gilly skit! Here!! Watch one!!

When I first heard about the SNL flavors, I was really expecting a muffin counterpart to the Schweddy Balls flavor that lasted just a few blissful weeks before our good friends B & J realized having a ball flavored ice cream, despite being delicious, was a bad idea. And honestly I was confused as to how an ice cream flavor could be inspired by Gilly! Gilly eats weird things, like a frog in the science fair skit, and although I like adventurous flavors, frog might just be going toooooo far. And yes Madeline had already sort of reviewed this flavor when she got a core sundae from a Ben and Jerry's Scoop shop, but I love Kristen Wiig enough that I had to get this flavor myself and review how it did on it's own.

Gilly's Catastrophic Crunch is described as Chocolate and Sweet Cream Ice Creams with Caramel Clusters, Fudge-Covered Almonds, and a Marshmallow Swirl. And to be honest, I get this. I do. I really really do. Gilly would be all about this flavor. Although an annoying little squirt, Gilly is kinda sweet and loveable and I can totally see her eating a big ice cream cone of this sweet and childish flavor. And I can see her throwing it at Mr. Dillon. It's fitting.

How did it turn out?

The chocolate ice cream kind of over powered the sweet cream ice cream, which is one of my favorite Ben & Jerry's bases, although it is under utilized, in my opinion. But I also like the combo of the ice creams a lot more than a chocolate vanilla combo; it gave the ice cream just a slightly more creamy feel. The marshmallow swirl wasn't as prominent as I would have hoped or as it is in other flavors that feature the swirl, but it was fabulous as every. I honestly think it is B&J's best swirl and I wish they had made a core flavor with the marshmallow swirl. My favorite part of the ice cream was the caramel clusters. There were soft little clusters that had sort of broken up into smaller pieces. They were just delightful and worked really well with the marshmallow swirl. I don't know why Ben and Jerry are the only ones that have figured out that caramel and marshmallow is the best combination since peanut butter and chocolate. (My favorite Ben and Jerry flavor featuring this combo is What a Cluster!) However, there could have been more of the caramel clusters and I would have still been perfectly happy. Lastly, the fudge covered almond worked surprisingly well in this ice cream. I would have expected chocolate covered peanuts more, but I am pleased with the almonds. All in all this was a pretty good flavor, and I think it is worthy of being sold in pints! Maybe one day. Also I want it sold in pints to see the awesome design they would put on the container.

One more Kristen Wiig skit just because:


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