Magnum Double Caramel

I know, of all the ice cream bars out there in the world I could review I review another Magnum. My really devoted reader(s) (my mom may in reality be the only person I could consider a devoted reader of this blog) will notice that I have been trying to review a wider variety of ice creams and ice cream products. The beginning of the blog was a little Ben and Jerry's and Haagen-Dazs crazy, admittedly and I'm trying to do better. And to be honest, the day I bought these bars, I really really wasn't trying to buy ice cream that day. It wasn't on my grocery list, it really wasn't. Like, I am one of those people that makes lists for the sake of the sense of satisfaction of crossing things off the list. And if ice cream isn't on my grocery list, what satisfaction would I get from buying it?! None!!

BUT! As I wandered down the aisles at Gerbe's, a sign of the goodness of this planet appeared. A coupon dispenser of coupons for $1 of a box of Magnum bars!! A light descended from heaven and a chorus of angels sung compelling me to take a coupon and buy Magnum bars! A box of 3 Magnums is normally $3-4 (so about $1 a pop, like literally, one dollar for one ice cream pop), so a $1 coupon is quite the savings. I practically skipped to the ice cream section to make my selection. I chose the Double Caramel flavor, and to be honest they didn't have that many other flavors of Magnums.

Look at the classy packaging. 

The Double Caramel Magnum ice cream bar is described as Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (innermost part, duh), Dipped in a Chocolatey Coating (outermost part), Caramel Sauce (middle coating), and Milk Chocolate (inner coating).

Even the wrapper is like, "I'm so fancy." (Don't you think I'm punny??)

The vanilla ice cream was definitely high quality. It didn't melt as fast as I would like it to/it was a little too hard, but that could also have a little bit to do with the temperature of my freezer. But part of that did seem like the texture of the ice cream. Like what is the fun of an ice cream bar if it doesn't get a bit melty? Taste-wise, the vanilla ice cream was great and really whatever ice cream Magnum uses could stand alone. I think the best part of this bar was the outmost chocolate coating. It was like real chocolate. It was solid and imposing, which added a lovely crunch to the experience. Also just tasted amazing. The caramel sauce was also very good. It was very thick and had a very rich and complex flavor compared to what you might expect from an ice cream bar. Lastly, the taste of the inner milk chocolate wasn't really distinguishable from the outer coating. However, it was very liquidy which added a nice texture variety to the whole experience.

Magnum, please never do anything other than make ice cream bars. Your ice cream bars are soooo goooood. Er mah gerd.


  1. I'm glad you reviewed these. I've had a review written up for about a month but keep forgetting to post it at school. I can't wait until I have internet at home!


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