Vice Cream Breakfast in Bed

Vice Cream has finally hit the Upper Midwest! You've probably seen it on all of those ~coastal~ ice cream blogs and instagram accounts, but I don't care, I'm still going to make you read about it again!

When I first saw this at my local Cub there were two flavors available and I decided to pick up Breakfast in Bed, maple ice cream, sticky bun dough, pecan praline, maple syrup and cinnamon cream cheese ripple. Does it sound like there was a lot going on? There was a lot going on.

I loved the base. The combination of the dairy and maple syrup reminded me of Waffle Crips cereal. The maple flavor was very sweet, but there was another underlying flavor adding some fullness and richness to tone down the sweet maple. After reading the ingredients, I believe this additional flavor to be vanilla. The ingredients list vanilla ice cream, and then further down list maple flavoring. I've never thought to combine vanilla and maple before, but I'm a fan.

The sticky bun dough was a little bit disappointing. It had a great texture - huge, grainy chunks, but not much flavor. I was expecting an eggy flavor like cookie dough, but the flavor mostly blended into the base.

The pecan praline, and specifically the pecan part of pecan praline gave the flavor some much needed complexity. Without the pecans, this would have been too sweet and too one-note.

The cinnamon cream cheese ripple was the stand-out mix-in. The cinnamon complemented rather than stood out from the base, and the cream cheese flavor was incredibly rich.

Honestly, I think this flavor would have been better if Vice Cream would have focused on a better balance/not so many mix-ins, but I still enjoyed it. 🍦🍦.5/4


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