Ben and Jerry's Limited Batch Gimme S'more!

Reason number five hundred and eleventy trillion why I hate grad school: the end of the semester was predictably hectic, but now the semester is over and I'm BUSIER. THAN. EVER. I have a summer internship starting June 4, and my advisor and I are trying to finish a paper before then, so I've been swamped with work. I definitely blame it on grad school sucking and not on lack-luster time management skills.

I finished my pint of Ben and Jerry's Gimme S'more! over a month ago, but I'm just now getting around to writing a review due to the aforementioned busyness that is in no way, shape, or form of my own making. Gimme S'more! has toasted marshmallow ice cream with chocolate cookie swirls, graham cracker swirls, and fudge flakes.

Did I enjoy this ice cream? Yes. Was it what it professed to be? No. Did it remind me of a S'more? No.

The toasted marshmallow base did not read as toasted marshmallow to me. I didn't get the soft hints of vanilla you typically get with a marshmallow ice cream, and I didn't get any smoky, toasted notes. If I had sampled this ice cream without knowing the flavor, I probably would have guessed it was a very, very light caramel. I actually really liked the base - the rich texture and sweet cream flavor stood out against the hint of caramel - it just wasn't a marshmallow base.

The fudge flakes were virtually non-existent, as was the graham cracker swirl, which was a damn shame because it was phenomenal in Glampfire Trail Mix.

Ben and Jerry's chocolate cookie swirl is the best thing ever. I could eat a pound of it alone, so I was happy about it's addition to this flavor, but also a trifle confused ... s'mores don't generally have a cookie component. Although ... adding an OREO to a s'more sounds like a fantastic idea.

As a caramel cookies and cream flavor, this would get a much higher rating, but as a s'mores flavor it only gets šŸ¦šŸ¦/4 from me.


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