Talenti Vanilla Blueberry Crumble

When it comes to this year's new flavors in your grocery store dairy aisle, I've found that Haagen-Dazs is shining and other brands offerings are pretty lackluster. Talenti has a few new flavors, but they didn't really publicize their release, and I just now found a new flavor, Vanilla Blueberry Crumble, at my local Target.

Vanilla Blueberry Crumble is Vanilla Bean gelato with real blueberry sauce and brown sugared oat crumbles. It's like eating a delicious, crispy baked dessert a la mode, all at once.

I don't love Talenti's vanilla gelato.  It's overly sugary to begin with, necessitating an overwhelming vanilla flavor to balance out the sugar all combining into a nauseatingly sweet gelato.  To make vanilla stand out, I don't think you should add more vanilla, instead I think you should dial back the intensity of the base until a bit of vanilla flavor stands out.

Because the base was so overwhelming, I couldn't taste the blueberry sauce. The sauce was thick and had chunks of real blueberries, but I couldn't taste ANY blueberry flavor over the vanilla base.

The oat crumbles didn't help the already dire situation. I like both big, bold mix-ins and smaller, more subtle mix-ins, but the oat crumbles hit an unfortunate middle ground. They were big enough and hard enough (actually kind of stale) that I had to be conscious of eating them. It would be unpleasant to suddenly bite down on one without warning. All big mix-ins are like this to at least some extent, but if they are big enough to see them coming you can prepare and strategize for how you want to eat them. The oat crumbles were small enough that they could easily hide within a spoonful of gelato.

I can't with a good conscience give this more than šŸ¦/4 cones.


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