Haagen Dazs Destination Series Sweet Cream Coffee Caramel

Now that I making my way through all of the new for 2017 flavors, I need to take a quick break and get the last of the destination series before they possibly go away! Yes, I know this flavor is so 2016, but I promise I'll be back to new stuff in the next review. This flavor takes us to New Orleans, featuring chicory coffee.

It is described as Collaborating with the small batch artisans at CC Made, we swirl sweet cream and coffee ice cream with thick ribbons of chicory coffee caramel for an experience rich with New Orleans flavor. 

Swirl magic!

Okay wow, I enjoyed this. Coffee and caramel should always go together. The chicory adds a bit of nuttiness or woodiness or something to the coffee. The flavor of the coffee ice cream was rather light, and paired with the sweet cream served as a wonderful backdrop for the chicory coffee caramel. There was as much coffee ice cream as sweet cream. I liked that they did a sweet cream as opposed to vanilla or something, because it tasted like putting cream in your coffee rather than getting in the way of the other flavors. The caramel was thick and had such an intense flavor. Intense coffee/chicory and dark, intense caramel. When I opened the container there was a thick ribbon sitting right at the top. There wasn't as much of the swirl further down, but if had been ubiquitous, it might have been less precious? I guess I wanted more of it, but I could see that there could be too much. This stuff was like caramel coffee gold.

Way less swirl. :(

To sum up. Solid base, fantastic swirl, but we needed more. Madeline said this would be a 3 coner for sure if they have given us more swirl and I have to agree. Only šŸ¦šŸ¦.5/4 cones, but this is still a must try if you can still find it.


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