University of Minnesota Dairy Salesroom Chocolate Peanut Butter Truffle

I'm slowly and steadily making my way through the approximately 10 pints of ice cream I bought before and during spring break including the second pint Lizzy and I bought at the University of Minnesota Dairy Salesroom, Chocolate Peanut Butter Truffle. What a classic!  This is described as

Chocolate base with peanut butter swirl and mini peanut butter cups.

The chocolate base is a very, very milky chocolate base.  It reminded me of a really rich chocolate milk.  I tend to prefer a more pure, darker chocolate flavor, but this was well executed and I really enjoyed it.  The chocolate base had the same dense and smooth texture as the coffee base from Coffee Cappuccino Chip.

The peanut butter swirl was thick and well distributed throughout the pint.  Even though the base wasn't very intensely chocolatey, it really overwhelmed the flavor of the peanut butter.  I had to really make an effort to taste the peanut butter in bites I knew I got a chunk of the swirl.  When I could taste it, it had a nicely mellow and salty flavor.  Despite the lackluster flavor, the texture was amazing!  It had a bit of that Ben and Jerry's cookie butter vibe going on.  It didn't really start out crunchy, but it melted down into an amazingly smooth and creamy swirl that was a delight to eat.

The chocolate peanut butter truffles were about 1/4'' across.  I got one at least every other bite.  These were some pretty high quality treats.  The outer chocolate shell was delicately crunchy, strong enough to hold their shape, but not so hard to bite through that they interrupted the ice cream eating flow.  The peanut butter inside was similar to the peanut butter swirl, but had a stronger flavor that held it's own against the chocolate.

A small word of caution: if you do end up going to the Dairy Storeroom, make sure to eat your ice cream in the first few days after you purchase it.  Lizzy and I opened this pint when she was visiting two weeks ago, and it was somewhat freezer burned by the time I got around to eating it.


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