Jeni's Brown Butter Almond Brittle

While this is not my first experience with Jeni's, this is the first time I have purchased a pint of Jeni's because, fuck, they cost $10 a pop.  I'll gladly pay that much for a small, local brand (hipster alert), and I get that Jeni's whole schtick is being a Certified B Corporation, fair trade, and grass-fed cows, blah blah blah, but ten dollars still feels like a lot.  Oh, and about the whole grass-fed cows thing, I think it is wonderful, but seriously every. single. one. of their flavor descriptions in their scoop shops mentions it.  Like, we get it.

Ugh, sorry, I'm in a stuck-on-a-math-problem mood and I'm taking it out on Jeni's.

My local Whole Foods recently started carrying Jeni's and Brown Butter Almond Brittle was the most interesting sounding flavor so I picked up a pint.  This flavor is

Brown-butter-almond candy crushed into a buttery cream scented with honey.

Agghhhhhhh, why is an ice cream scented with honey, but not flavored with honey, whyyyyyyyyyyy are you so pretentious?!

All grumbling aside, this flavor was amazing. The base was a sweet cream base, with a hint more butter flavor than is typical.  There was also a slight amaretto element to the base.  The amaretto had just a hint of alcohol to give the base a little punch of flavor, but it didn't overpower the cream.

When I hear 'brittle' I think of hard, sharp, crunchy holiday candy, but the brittle in this flavor was nowhere close to the brittle I am familiar with.  I would describe it as a 'deconstructed almond brittle.'  The brittle consisted of chunks of almond pieces surrounded by a gooey butter and sugar confection.  I could definitely tell the brittle was made with browned butter.  To me browned butter has a nuttier, more complex and less overwhelmingly rich flavor than unbrowned butter.  The combination of the nutty brown butter, the almond chunks and the amaretto was perfect.

There were plenty of brittle chunks throughout the pint and they were quite large.  I estimate that I came upon one every 3 bites.  This was great as it allowed me a chance to really experience the base flavor as well.

My only criticism of this flavor, and it's something I noticed with the Jeni's flavors I tried in scoop shops, is that the texture was slightly dry.  Not enough to detract from the overall experience, but I don't typically expect a dry texture from a sweet cream base and just found it a bit odd.

I'm cheating and giving this šŸ¦šŸ¦šŸ¦.5/4 stars.  This is the best brittle ice cream I've ever had, and I definitely look forward again, but I don't think it quite makes it onto my prepare-for-the-apocalypse list.


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