Haagen-Dazs Artisan Collection Tres Leches Brigadeiro

Tres Leches Brigadeiro is the second flavor I've tried from the new Haagen-Dazs Artisan Collection.  From their website:

Through a collaboration with Paula of My Sweet Brigadeiro, we deconstruct her 'happy couple' brigadeiro to make a decadent sweetened condensed milk and cocoa, then swirl it into creamy tres leches ice cream.

I had to learn about so many things before I could write about this ice cream!

What the heck is a brigadeiro?  A brigadeiro is a chocolate candy from Brazil made with sweetened condensed milk.  They are spherical and I think about the size of those Ferrero Rocher candies.  These need to come to the states like right now.  I could see places selling these for 75 cents or a dollar.  I would buy them every day.

The Happy Couple Bridageiro from My Sweet Brigadeiro is described as a combination of dark chocolate and white chocolate brigadeiros.

What the heck is Tres Leches?  So obviously it means three milks.  But what is it?  Per Wikipedia, the three milks of tres leches cake are evaporated milk, condensed milk, and heavy cream.  Sounds delish!

Now, on to the ice cream.  I liked this ice cream way more than I thought I would.  I expected it to be the standard Haagen-Dazs level  of deliciousness, but was wary because it had no mix-ins to speak of.  The first thing I liked about this was the base flavor.  I think sometimes vanilla ice cream is used as the default base flavor when sometimes something different would be better, so I liked that this ice cream did not use vanilla.  I can't speak to how much the base flavor tasted like tres leches cake as I've never had the cake, but I can say that it was delicious.  I would describe it as slightly sweeter version of sweet cream ice cream.  Also, I could picked up just a hint of condensed milk flavor.

Ugh, this is like the most perfect top-layer of ice cream I have ever seen.
So beautiful it brought a tear to my eye.

The swirl was great as well.  It had a similar texture to the ice cream, which is normally a bad thing, but here it worked well since the base flavor was so delicate.  I think a really thick swirl would have overwhelmed the tres leches base flavor.  The swirl bordered on fudge flavor and was again very sweet.

I think I liked this flavor so much because the flavors of both the base and the swirl were delicate and clean.  It would have been really easy to make this flavor cloyingly sweet, but Haagen-Dazs managed to avoid that.  This was a great 'palate cleanser' of an ice cream for me.  Sometimes I get so focused on mix-ins and weird flavors that I forget to step back and enjoy something simple and well made.


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