Ben & Jerry's: Blondie Ambition

Not too long ago, I was sent, by my friend Bronwyn, a picture of a pint of Ben & Jerry's called Blondie Ambition. It was an exclusive flavor, and she told me she had gotten it at Target. At first, I was really excited because I thought it was a new flavor. But the more I thought about it, I realized they might have just renamed their Rockin' Blondie flavor. I never want to miss trying a Ben & Herr's flavor, so just to be safe, I purchased a pint. I took the pint over to my old apartment, where my friends Bronwyn and Katy still live, and where we have our Ben & Jerry's tower stored, and compared the descriptions. Alas, the descriptions were the same. They had just renamed this pint.

The description of this flavor is Buttery Brown Sugar Ice Cream with Blonde Brownies & Butterscotch Toffee Flakes.

By this point in the blog, you may be starting to get to know my ice cream tastes. This is not something I would normally pick up, so I'm glad I kind of had a weird excuse to get it. Way back when Ben & Jerry's came out with the flavor as Rockin' Blondie, much before my blogging days, I had tried a few bites of this flavor, didn't love it, and never had more. I am definitely glad to give this flavor another shot.

So the base of this pint had a really mild flavor. I definitely tasted the butteryness of it, but not the brown sugar as much. Which was kind of disappointing because I was really looking forward to the brown sugar flavors. The butterscotch toffee flakes kind of suffered from something similar. To me they just tasted like butterscotch and not really at all like toffee. They were pretty small and frequent throughout the pint, which was good. Their crunchyness added a nice texture variety. Last but not least, the blondies.

I was not actually sure what blondies were before I had this pint. I knew what blondies were not. I knew they were not brownies. But I hate defining things by what they aren't. It doesn't tell you much. Like if you didn't know what a cake was and I told you that cake wasn't cookies, you would be like no shit sherlock.

So a blondie is a brownie without chocolate (again I don't really like these definitions by negatives), thus the main flavor of a blondie is brown sugar. These blondies were definitely awesome. They were denser and harder than you would expect from a normal brownie. But they weren't hard because they were dry; they were definitely moist. They also kind of crumbled as you ate them which was awesome. They were a little a little smaller than a standard Ben & Jerry's chunk and there could have been way more of them. I am not sure if these blondies are from Greyston bakery or not. I have posed this question to the Twitterverse and as soon as I hear anything from there (or if you know please comment here) I'll update this post.

All in all, this was a pretty good flavor and it was fun to eat something out of my normal. I would recommend this flavor to anyone who likes butterscotch, but thought that Scotchy Scotch Scotch was too strong (aka me).


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