Eldon Drive-In: Chocolate Malt

Okay, back in August when I reviewed Cree Mee Drive-In's chocolate malt, I said a review of Eldon Drive-In's chocolate malt would be coming soon. I liieeed. Unless you are thinking of time in the grand scheme of the universe then this isn't really soon after my Cree Mee review. But better late than never. I also stopped at Eldon Drive-In before hitting the road back to St. Louis a few weekends ago. Here's my review and my official decision of which place has the better chocolate malt will be at the end of this review so get excited!!

I took this picture from inside my car and I have to say I felt super creepy while doing it.

I don't remember the price of the small chocolate malt I got at Eldon Drive-In, but I do not think it was significantly different than Cree Mee. They were also similar in size. However, Eldon Drive-In did serve their malt in a paper cup, not styrofoam, like Cree Mee. Much better for the environment.

Eating ice cream is way more fun in the cold. Not because it is actually more enjoyable, but because people think you're really bad ass or really dedicated to the ice cream cause when you do it. I would definitely consider myself both badass (is bad ass one word or two??) and dedicated to the ice cream cause.

Taste-wise, the two malts were very similar. Cree Mee's might have been sliiiightly maltier than Eldon Drive-In's. However, I 100% acknowledge that with establishments like these, each malt is going to be a little bit different based on who is making it and stuff like that. The way the two malts tasted were so similar, I would have to get a malt from each place at least one more time, and maybe even taste them side by side to officially make a decision on taste.

Texture-wise, on the other hand, there was a definite difference. Eldon Drive-In's malt was significantly thinner and liquidier than Cree Mee's. When I had Cree Mee's malt, there were times when I had to suck really hard to get the malt through the straw and almost needed a spoon. That never happened with Eldon Drive-In's. To me, the thicker the malt, the better. So Cree Mee definitely wins in the texture department.

You can definitely see the difference in texture between the chocolate malt from Eldon Drive-In (top) and Cree Mee (bottom).

Both malts were very good, as you really can't make a bad chocolate malt. Or if you do you must just really suck at life. But because of the texture difference, I'm gonna have to say my officially decision is that Cree Mee has the better malt.


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