The Peach Pops Post

So Madeline and I have gotten a bit out of order here at the Big Muddy Ice Cream Blog. A while ago, dear reader, you may remember that we tried to make ice cream and failed. We told you that we would be making popsicles with the peach ginger ice cream base. We made and ate quite a few of them days ago and just haven't gotten our lazy butts around to writing about them. I'm not sure if we started at the bottom, but now we're here; the peach pops.

We poured the peach pop base into little paper Dixie Cups, and put them into the freezer. We walked to Madeline's handy dandy corner market Joe's to see if they had popsicle sticks. The plan was to wait until the pops were slightly frozen to put in the popsicle sticks so they would stay up right. At Joe's there were no popsicle sticks but they had plastic utensils which we thought would work just fine. After much debate we chose to use spoons rather than forks so we wouldn't stab ourselves in the mouth. Typically, the less you are stabbed, the better your day.

In my opinion the peach pops were a successful salvage of a failed project. And they tasted pretty good for winging it with the recipe! They weren't very smooth and I'm not sure if that is a consequence of the base itself or freezing it instead of churning it into ice cream. One consequence of the lack of smoothness was there was the ginger flavor wasn't evenly distributed throughout. There were little bits of ginger that didn't get blended in and kinda surprised you. Not that a chunk of ginger would have been bad, but this was more like every bit was a significantly different amount spicy which I didn't love. I guess we could try something else next time we try to make peach ginger pops. Or we could just make peach ginger ice cream and see if the same thing happens. Overall peach and ginger are definitely to flavors you need to have together!

A picture of a peach pops! Also sorry this pic is supa blurry. I didn't notice it when I took the pic, otherwise I would have retaken it. 

So I agree with everything Lizzy said except for one thing.  I didn't mind the different amounts of spicy.  I liked that.  I can't wait to try making ice cream again.


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