Haagen-Dazs Limited Edition Banana Split

On my most recent trip to the grocery store, a new limited edition Haagen Dazs flavor caught my eye.  I was pretty confused because I'm pretty sure banana split used to be one of Haagen Dazs' core flavors.  Maybe it wasn't selling well and they are trying to phase it out?  Who knows.

My past experience with Haagen Dazs limited edition flavors has been so-so.  A few years ago they had a Spiced Caramel Biscuit flavor which is up there on my favorite flavors of all time list.  They also had an exclusive (not sure of the difference between exclusive and limited edition) flavor called Spiced Peach Crumble.  I guess Haagen Dazs does 'spiced' really well.  Last year I tried the Peanut Butter Pie flavor and was underwhelmed.  Peanut butter pie is one of the most amazing and easy to make desserts of all time, so it should be totally amazing in ice cream form, but I found this flavor to be kind of bland.  One thing I do love is the limited edition packaging.  I think it is a really nice shade of purple, and makes the limited edition pints stand out on the freezer shelves.

All of this is to say that I didn't really have any expectations when it came to trying the Banana Split flavor. This is described as:

A delightful time-honored desert, our Banana Split Ice Cream starts with whipped cream ice cream and banana ice cream folded into ribbons of rich fudge and tangy-sweet strawberry and cherry pieces to create the perfect ice cream blend - a decadently wonderful escape!

So I wasn't wowed with this flavor.  The banana flavor was so strong that I couldn't tell there was also whipped cream flavored ice cream.  The fudge ribbons were good and tasted like hot fudge.  I think I only got a single strawberry piece in the whole pint.  The cherry pieces were good and tangy, but B&J's Cherry Garcia does cherry 100x times better.

If you're a banana split lover pass on this and go out and get yourself a real banana split.


  1. This must have been core before because they sold it at Bear Mart! I used to eat this all the time my sophomore year. But agree it actually isn't the best - my usual go-to was the Raspberry Chunk instead : )


  2. This is disappointing. When I saw that is said there was whipped cream ice cream I got really excited. What a unique base flavor. It's a shame you couldn't taste it!


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