Sanders Lemon Twis-Tea

Hooray for the Upper Midwest! Sanders Fine Chocolatiers is a Michigan-based company. Their ice cream is available in scoop shops - located mostly near Detroit with one shop on Mackinac Island - and several retail locations. On a recent trip to Tim and Tom's Speedy Market I picked up a container of Lemon Twis-Tea, refreshing lemon and green tea flavored ice cream with candy lemon bits. I laughed a little when I saw the word 'refreshing' in the description. I don't usually think of ice cream as refreshing. It always makes me too thirsty. If I want something refreshing I go for a fruity sorbet. Needless to say I was pleasantly surprised. This ice cream was surprisingly refreshing. I would go so far as to call it the perfect summer ice cream. I love the vintage-y packaging design! The base was lightly flavored, but this actually worked to the ice cream's advantage. Many lemon ice creams either go for a sweet or strong lemon flavor to mimic a lemon bar, but San...