Klondike S'mores

I've been putting off writing a review of Klondike S'mores bars for a few days. These are creamy marshmallow ice cream with sweet graham cracker swirls inside a delightfully breakable milk chocolate flavored shell.

The marshmallow ice cream has a very strong and distinctive flavor, and I keep flip-flopping about whether or not I liked the flavor and whether or not these bars are truly s'mores flavored.

After a long period of contemplation, I think I didn't really enjoy the marshmallow ice cream and they are not truly s'mores flavored.

Calling all my ladies who were tweens in the '00s - the marshmallow ice cream tasted like I imagine a Lip Smackers S'mores chapstick turned into ice cream would taste. A very fake, sweet, and bold marshmallow flavor. Also - I think it's high time we make Lip Smackers retro-cool.

The graham cracker swirl toned down the intense base a bit, but I don't think it was a strong enough flavor to really qualify these bars as s'mores-flavored.  I wanted a thicker swirl or even simple graham cracker chunks. Similarly, I wanted a more chocolate than just the chocolate shell.

I'm rating this 🍦.5/4. The mixing of the smoky sweet toasted marshmallow, the pure sweet and grainy graham, and the deeper sweetness of the chocolate is what makes a real s'more great. Klondike's version was just too heavy on the marshmallow without enough graham and chocolate to balance it out.

1. Caramel Pretzel
3. Brownie Fudge Swirl
4. Original
5. Krunch
6. Dark
7. S'mores
9. Reese's
10. Mint Chocolate Chip


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