Ben and Jerry's One Sweet World

IT'S A BRITISH INVASION!  Ben and Jerry's One Sweet World, coffee caramel ice creams with fudge chunks and swirls of marshmallow and salted caramel, is a regular B&J flavor in the UK and recently made it's US debut as a limited edition flavor.

Ben and Jerry's will donate part of the sales of this flavor to 'support those working at the intersection of economic and racial justice,' so that's a definite plus! Even though there's no details right now about what organizations they're donating to, Ben and Jerry's has a pretty good track record with this kind of thing, so I'm not too worried that the info hasn't been published yet.

I initially misread the description and didn't realize One Sweet World had a caramel coffee base and thought it had a plain coffee base. The base was very sweet and not at all bitter. I was a bit disappointed because I like my coffee ice cream dark and strong, but it's more acceptable as a caramel coffee base.

The marshmallow swirl had a great texture - thick and sticky just like marshmallow fluff! The flavor was also pretty similar to marshmallow fluff - very sweet with a hint of vanilla. The caramel swirl was a more intense caramel than the base, but it was still light and sweet. Like the marshmallow, the caramel swirls were very thick, but had a distinctive smooth texture. While both the swirls and the base were decent, I didn't think they played well together. The swirl flavors tended to blend into the base even though the base wasn't particularly intense.

The fudge chunks were shaped as the ampersand from Ben and Jerry's logo and were a bit less than a half-inch tall. In bites with a fudge chunk it dominated the flavor.

I rate One Sweet World šŸ¦šŸ¦šŸ¦/4. It was ..... nice. The flavors weren't particularly adventurous and could have had a better balance. I enjoyed the ice cream, but don't think I would seek it out a second time.


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