Coolhaus Mintimalism Ice Cream Sandwich

If you're into ice cream and follow other bloggers, then you've definitely heard about Coolhaus ice cream sandwiches with their architecture-inspired names. They're not sold in too many places in the Mid-West, but I recently found some at Tim and Tom's, a local corner market. Seriously, I want to give the person in charge of dairy purchasing the biggest hug; they almost always have a new brand or rare flavor to try.

The Mintimalism (inspired, of course, by minimalism) is Dirty Mint Chip ice cream with Double Chocolate cookies.  Mint is one of my favorite flavors, and I'm super picky about it. Alone, I would rate both the cookies and the ice cream, particularly the ice cream, 🍦🍦🍦🍦/4, but I didn't quite love the way the two elements came together.

It's hard to mess up double chocolate cookies, and Coolhaus definitely went a few steps above 'not messing up.' The cookie were soft and had a deep chocolate flavor, and the chocolate chips added some texture without adding a distracting crunch.

The Dirty Mint Chip ice cream was PHE.NOM.EN.AL. Like. Oh my god. This might be the best mint chip ice cream I've ever had. The flavor is described as fresh mint, brown sugar, and semi-sweet chips. I hate mint extract, so Coolhaus gets kudos for using mint leaves, but they really shine by using the mint leaves well. The ice cream was chock full of VISIBLE(!!) pieces of mint leaves, making the mint flavor quite strong. Sometimes, when they are overcooked or over-processed, mint leaves can take on a nauseating flavor I can only describe as overripe, and often that flavor seeps into ice cream that chooses mint leaves over mint extract, but Coolhaus' mint was fresh and refreshing. The brown sugar mellowed out the mint and the chocolate chips gave some texture and deeper flavor.

It would seem that such great cookies and the perfect mint ice cream would go hand in hand, but alas I wasn't as wowed by the combo as I was by the individual elements. Both had such strong, powerful flavor that they were vying for attention instead of working together to form a harmonious whole. I think maybe a mint chocolate cookie would have helped balance the flavors.

I rate these sammies 🍦🍦🍦.5/4. They're definitely worth seeking out, and get really, really close to perfection.


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