Ben & Jerry's Truffle Kerfuffle

With their new for 2017 flavors, Ben & Jerry's are really calling on some of their old flavors. Oat of this Swirled reminded us of Oatmeal Cookie Chunk and the name of this flavor kind of reminds me of Clusterfluff. Granted, before they brought the flavor to the graveyard they changed the name to What A Cluster, Clusterfluff was one of my most favorite ice creams of all time. And yes, I am only bringing this up as an opportunity to beg for the return of Clusterfluff on the off change anyone from Ben & Jerry's is reading this.

But to focus on the matter at hand, Truffle Kerfuffle is a fabulous name of an ice cream and is described as Vanilla Ice Cream with Roasted Pecans, Fudge Chips & a Salted Chocolate Ganache Swirl.

To start, I'm going to jump right in with what is arguably the most interesting aspect of this pint, the salted chocolate ganache swirl. Given that this ice cream is called Truffle Kerfuffle, I was expecting this swirl to be like the inside of a truffle. It was, however, much more liquidy than the middle of a truffle. Most of it was just as liquidy as any chocolate sauce, but some of it was thicker. However, after a bit of interwebs searching, I learned that, depending on the use, ganache can be made with a wide variety of cream to chocolate ratios and served at different temperatures. So there is not standard texture for ganache. However, I was hoping for something more like the inside of a truffle. Flavor-wise, this swirl killed it. It was super salty, which I thought was the best part of this pint. I'm just going to say it now, I like salted chocolate more than salted caramel, so get at me. The fudge flakes were the quality you would expect from B&J and really pulled this flavor together by representing the outside of a truffle. The pecans were boss; I got no pecan chunks smaller than half a pecan. Their nuttiness really rounded out the flavor profile. There were definitely more fudge flakes than pecan pieces. Lastly, the vanilla base, for the most part, just acted like back drop for the salty and chocolatey flavors. On occasions where you could taste the vanilla base it was solid, but nothing spectacular.

All in all, I'll give this one šŸ¦šŸ¦šŸ¦/4 cones because salted chocolate is yuumy.

PS The whole time I was writing this post I thought this flavor was called Truffle Kerfluffle until the very end when giving it one last edit. I am v sad and I think Truffle Kerfluffle is a better name.


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