Farr Better Cookie Dough Brownie Frozen Custard

Today I have a review of a new-to-me brand, Farr Better Frozen Custard.  I did a bit of research into this company and it seems they have scoop shops and wholesale and started in Ogden, Utah, but their website isn't great so information is a bit hard to track down.  Either way, this is more evidence to support my claim that Utah has a great but totally unknown and unappreciated ice cream scene.

There were lots of interesting and delicious sounding Farr's flavors at the grocery store, but Cookie Dough Brownie really called my name.  This is

Cookie dough flavored custard with brownie bits and cookie dough pieces.

Ice cream glamour shot.
Guys.  Seriously.  Utah. Is. Slaying. The. Ice. Cream. Game.  And nobody knows! Or maybe people know and I just didn't know.  I like cookie dough ice cream, but I've never loved it.  I always felt like it was missing something, and I think that something is brownies.  Ben and Jerry's has their iconic Half Baked, but if I had to choose between Half Baked and Farr's Cookie Dough Brownie, I would honestly go with Farr's.  WHAT?!

Texture-wise I could definitely tell this was a custard.  It was creamy, dense, and smooth without much air, hitting all of the necessary ticks for a good custard base.  I tend to think of a good cookie dough flavors as being a combination of eggy and sweet.  This cookie dough base definitely could have used some more egginess as it leaned toward the sweet and sugary side of the flavor.  This would have been ok if the cookie dough mix-ins were very eggy, but unfortunately they weren't.  It was definitely a tasty base, just not exactly what I look for in a cookie dough flavor.

My god, there were so many mix-ins! Maybe more mix-ins than base.  Every bite was at least half mix-in with a good balance between the cookie dough and the brownie.  As I mentioned above, the cookie dough bites were not quite eggy enough for my liking, but they had an unrivaled texture.  It was smooth and sticky and exactly like eating cookie dough out of the bowl.

The brownie bites were very rich and fudge-y and had a texture somewhere between brownie batter and super-gooey fudge brownies.

I'm giving this a strong 🍦🍦🍦.5/4 cones.  A little more egg in the base and cookie dough bits and this would be an easy 4 coner.


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